David Adès
Michael Aiken
Richard James Allen
Australia Imagined: Views from the British Periodical Press 1800-1900
Robyn Archer
Steve Armstrong
Murray Arnold
Paul Ashton
Alison Atkinson-Phillips
From Paesani to Global Italians: Veneto Migrants in Australia
Emily Ballou
A Little America in Western Australia: The US Naval Communication Station at North West Cape and the Founding of Exmouth
Lisa Bellear
In Time With Water: Design Studies of 3 Australian Cities
Saskia Beudel
Carmel Bird
Elleke Boehmer
Julian Bolleter
Geoffrey Bolton
Sue Boyd
Michael Bradley
Donna Lee Brien
Hazel Brown
Jen Jewel Brown
Bill Bunbury
Discover Western Australia
Pamela Burton
Sir Ronald Wilson: A Matter of Conscience
Michelle Cahill
Marion May Campbell
David Carlin
Paul Carter
John Carty
Gwen Chessell
Jennifer Clark
Tom Clark
Josephine Clarke
Robbie Coburn
Catherine Cole
Denise Cook
Stuart Cooke
Rob Cover
Rico Craig
Sounding the Alarm: Remote Area Nurses and Aboriginals at Risk
Robert Crawford
Into the Light: The Cruthers Collection of Women's Art
Amanda Curtin
John Dargavel
Fern Road
Toby Davidson
Bryan Dawe
After Homosexual: The legacies of gay liberation
Hanifa Deen
Meaghan Delahunt
Jenny & Neil Delmage
Oliver Dennis
Brian Dibble
Behind Glass Doors: The World of Australian Advertising Agencies 1959-1989
Dan Disney
Tim Dolin
Lucy Dougan
Quinn Eades
Martin Edmond
Elizabeth Marrkilyi Ellis & Inge Kral
Rica Erickson: A Naturalist's Life (paperback)
Mapping Colonial Conquest: Australia and South Africa
C. Y. O'Connor: His Life and Legacy
Christine Evans
Alain Fabrègues
Suzanne Falkiner
Kathleen Mary Fallon
John Falzon
Susan Fealy
Luke Fischer
Seva Frangos
Raimond Gaita
Mixed Relations: Asian-Aboriginal Contact in North Australia
Jo Gardiner
Andrea Gaynor
Andrew Gaynor
Ken Gelder
Chris Gibson
Kyra Giorgi
Ross Gibson
Katie Glaskin
Dr. Kate Gleeson
Una Glennon
Philip Goldswain
Alan Gould
Michael Griffiths
Anna Haebich
James Halford
Helen (Ing) Hall
Phillip Hall
Fire and Hearth: A study of Aboriginal usage and European usurpation in south-western Australia
Vivienne Hansen
Martin Harrison
Jo Hawkins
Dominique Hecq
Kristin Henry
Paul Hetherington
Penelope Hetherington
Barry Hill
Alison Holland
Barbara Holloway
Katie Holmes
Matthew Hooton
John Horsfall
Tony Hughes-d'Aeth
The cover of Marine Plants of Australia: revised and updated edition by John M. Huisman. The cover is an artwork by Angela Rossen titled Elizabeth Reef and is of a fish swimming through seaweed.
Susanna Iuliano
Noëlle Janaczewska
Lisa Jacobson
Ross Jackson
Carolyn Harris Johnson
Judy Johnson
Australia Imagined: Views from the British Periodical Press 1800-1900
Michelle Johnston
Jill Jones
Jo Jones
S.A. Jones
Darren Jorgensen
Amanda Joy
Theo Kalogeracos
Odette Kelada
Josh Kemp
Peter Kennedy
Robert Kenny
Craig Kinder
Kerry King
Spirals, Collected Poems Volume Three (2014-2023)
Lee Kinsella
Kankawa Nagarra Olive Knight
Kirsten Krauth
Hans Lambers
Culliford, Rolfe and Barrow: A Tale of Ten Pianos
Stephen Langford
Victoria Laurie
Bill Lawrie
Simone Lazaroo
Rozanna Lilley
Geoffrey London
Melbourne Journal: Notebooks 1998-2003
Rose Lucas
War Time on Wadjemup: A Social History of the Rottnest Island Internment Camp
Prof. Catharine Lumby
Leaving Year Zero: Stories of Surviving Pol Pot's Cambodia
Carmel MacDonald Grahame
Anthony Macris
Melodies of Mourning: Music and Emotion in Northern Australia
Caitlin Maling
Shey Marque
Government House and Western Australian Society 1829-2010
Adrian Martin
Sylvia Martin
Rachael Mead
Rose Michael
Michelle Michau-Crawford
Steve Mickler
Susan Midalia
Graeme Miles
Andrew Moore
Ruth A. Morgan
Phillip Morrissey, Ruby Lowe and Marion Campbell
Ann Moyal
Ken Mulvaney
Rashida Murphy
Paul Munden
Loretta Napoleoni
Timothy Neale
Russell Nelly
Camilla Nelson
Guadalupe Nettel
Bobbie Oliver
A photograph of Thuy On by Brett Rawlings Photography
Michael L. Ondaatje
Chris Owen
Tony Page
John S. Pate
Alistair Paterson and Jeremy Green
Mark Pegrum
After Homosexual: The legacies of gay liberation
Indigo Perry
Reneé Pettitt-Schipp
Jo Pollitt
Dani Powell
Julia Prendergast
Susan Prescott
Ann-Marie Priest
Bauhaus on the Swan: Elise Blumann, an émigré artist in Western Australia, 1938-1948
Ian Reid
Nadia Rhook
Sarah Rice
David Ritter
Noongar Mambara Bakitj
Lomas Roberts
Margaret Roberts
Mark Roberts
Rachel Robertson
Angela Rockel
Reclaiming the Urban Commons: The past, present and future of food growing in Australian towns and cities
Peter Rose
Richard Rossiter
Virginia Rowland
Jennifer Rutherford
Alice Savona
Kim Scott
Stephen Scourfield
Michele Seminara
Tiffany Shellam
Leni Shilton
Phillip Short
Desiree Silva
Fiona Skyring
Ted Snell
Agnieszka Sobocinska
Beth Spencer
David Stavanger
Leigh Straw
John J Taylor
William Taylor
Heather Taylor Johnson
Michele Toner
Deepak Unnikrishnan
Lesley van Schoubroeck
Susan Varga
Eve Vincent
David Walker
Alton Walley
Joanna Wallfisch
Stuart Ward
Julie Watts
Rachael Weaver
Annamaria Weldon
Richard Weller
Jessica White
Robert White
Andrew Whitehouse
Deborah Wilson
Josephine Wilson
Roma Winmar
Wirlomin Noongar Language and Stories Project
John Wolseley
Iris Woods
Karen Wyld author photo
Sophie Zalokar