
Carmel Bird at the University of Technology Sydney, September 2016

Charlotte Guest Carmel Bird Family Skeleton University of Technology Sydney

Carmel Bird at the University of Technology Sydney, September 2016

I was on a bus driving through bushland when I saw, not wildlife, but an Edwardian funeral hearse slowly emerging, almost sailing, out from a track between the trees, onto the road. I suppose I saw it for about half a minute, and possibly my imagination instantly embellished the vision. It was elegant, regal, gleaming. Eerie. Romantic. Ominous. The windows were etched. There were silver knobs. It was the gift that stimulated my imagination, that put in motion the story that became Family Skeleton. I followed the hearse. Well, figuratively, I followed the hearse.

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Launch Speech: The Unknown Judith Wright

Charlotte Guest Georgina Arnott The Unknown Judith Wright

Launch Speech: The Unknown Judith Wright

Once an artist is established, it takes a brave researcher to challenge what has become the accepted narrative, or to delve into periods the artist has deliberately avoided discussing. But this is just what Georgina Arnott has done in this bold, fascinating, and impeccably researched study of the early life of Judith Wright, undoubtedly one of the giants of Australian literature and intellectual culture.

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An Interview with Rashida Murphy

Charlotte Guest Rashida Murphy The Historian's Daughter

An Interview with Rashida Murphy

An interview between Samuel Cox, Publishing Intern, and Rashida Murphy, author of The Historian's Daughter._____________________________________________________________________________ 1. Your characters try to forge new lives for themselves in three countries: India, Iran and Australia. What does your novel say about the concept of ‘home’? I think immigrants such as myself, who have spent more time away from than in their ‘home’ country, find the concept troublesome. My characters have connections to, and a longing for, a home they have left or cannot return to, yet make themselves at home wherever they are. I wanted to explore the idea that we are all...

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An Interview with Sylvia Martin

UWA Publishing

An Interview with Sylvia Martin

Writing a biography is a big commitment to a single subject. How did you discover Aileen Palmer and when did you know you wanted to write her life?

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      What do readers want?

      UWA Publishing Australian publishing book industry on reading Publishing

      What do readers want?

      ‘Historically speaking,’ said one of the visiting publishers at the Australia Council’s 2016 publishing scheme, ‘Koreans read for educational purposes. Only recently have we started reading for pleasure. This is why non-fiction books are very big in our market: business books, science…but literary fiction is starting to sell very well.’

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