Marginalia — DHA 2023
Clicking into place: Kirsty Iltners discusses her debut novel ‘Depth of Field’ with UWAP intern Samantha Hearn
Depth of Field DHA 2023 Interview Kirsty Iltners Samantha Hearn
Lauren Pratt

Kirsty Iltners shares her writing journey and discusses the surrealness of becoming a published author with UWA Publishing intern Samantha Hearn
UWA Publishing has acquired world rights to Shey Marque's second collection of poetry
Acquisition DHA 2023 Poetry Shey Marque The Dorothy Hewett Award The Hum Hearers
Lauren Pratt

UWA Publishing has acquired world rights to Shey Marque's second collection of poetry 'The Hum Hearers.'
Interview with Kirsty Iltners - winner of the 2023 Dorothy Hewett Award
Depth of Field DHA 2023 Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript Interview Kirsty Iltners The Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript
Lauren Pratt

Announcing the 2023 Winner of the Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript
Depth of Field DHA 2023 Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript Kirsty Iltners The Dorothy Hewett Award The Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript
Lauren Pratt

2023 Dorothy Hewett Award Shortlisted Manuscripts
Australian publishing DHA 2023 The Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript
Lauren Pratt