A Workbook for Tweens and Teens with ADHD | What Lies Beneath Matters
A Workbook for Tweens and Teens with ADHD | What Lies Beneath Matters
A Workbook for Tweens and Teens with ADHD | What Lies Beneath Matters

A Workbook for Tweens and Teens with ADHD | What Lies Beneath Matters

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Grace da Camara and Madalena Bennett

If you have a tween or teen with ADHD, you know how challenging it can be to manage their symptoms and support them in their day-to-day life. That’s where What Lies Beneath Matters comes in. This proven workbook, developed by psychologist Grace da Camara and Dr Madalena Bennett, presents a cognitive behavioural approach to managing ADHD in tweens and teens. Whether you’re participating in the OnTrac program or using it as a standalone resource, this book provides a wealth of knowledge, education, and strategies to help your child succeed.


With three modules covering psychoeducation, adaptive thinking, and practical coping skills, What Lies Beneath Matters is designed to help your tween or teen identify their strengths, manage their weaknesses, and navigate the world of ADHD with confidence. And if you’re a parent, you’ll appreciate the simple, effective strategies that make it easy to support your tween or teen at home.


This book has received high praise from professionals and parents alike, and it’s a valuable resource for anyone living in rural Australia, where mental health resources can be limited. With engaging activities, relatable scenarios, and a positive, empowering approach, What Lies Beneath Matters is a must-read for anyone looking to help their child thrive with ADHD.


Other books in the What Lies Beneath Matters series


Book details

ISBN: 978-1-76080-258-5

FORMAT: 254 x 203mm, 374pp

PRICE: $39.99 incl GST



SERIES: What Lies Beneath Matters

GENRE: Health and Medicine, Non-fiction