Timothy Cook: Dancing with the Moon
(RRP $49.99) PRICE NOW REDUCED BY $10, due to damage on the cover; the internal pages are perfect.
Seva Frangos
Timothy Cook has been lauded as a leading contemporary Australian artist, critically acclaimed, honoured with the prestigious 2012 29th Telstra National Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, included in major exhibitions throughout Australia and well represented in significant public and corporate collections. He has lived and worked for his entire life in a small settlement in the Tiwi Islands, in remote Indigenous Australia, deeply attached to his place.
Timothy Cook is a maverick artist – non-conformist, individualistic, original and inventive, straddling the modern and ancient with confidence. In this stunning monograph prepared by Seva Frangos, she and her fellow four writers attest to his achievements, inhabiting a place and space where innovation might seem impossible against the background of tradition and ritual; where he realigns artistic and cultural boundaries and re-explores being Tiwi. These pages capture the remarkable levels of energy and emotional charge in his painting and provide a brilliant introduction to his vast body of work over two decades in a range of media.
This publication was made possible through funding from the Australia Council for the Arts.
Praise for Timothy Cook: Dancing with the Moon:
Together, the conceptual and symbolic language, the cultural heritage informing the works and the resulting artwork are utterly cohesive... It is impressive and defines Cook as an artist sure to continue in leaps and strides, dancing all the wayTHE WEST AUSTRALIAN
Book details
FORMAT: Flexi-bound paperback
EXTENT: 250 pages
SIZE: 284 x 234 mm
ISBN: 9781742584980
RIGHTS: World rights
CATEGORY: Aboriginal, Art, Photography and Design, Seva Frangos,