Suburban Fantasy
"After reading Michele Seminara’s Suburban Fantasy I came away with a feeling of elation, even taking into account the poems written from behind her ‘domestic trenches’. The dark material of many poems and a clean-cut technique only strengthens the fierce hope that shoots through the book. This is created by very fine writing and the strength of the particular spirit behind it. Seminara’s line ‘It is a dark world in which we dare love’ is a key to this brave poet who takes on the existential risk of writing to the edge of things. Michele is the finest poet of her generation, and her experimental ‘remix’ versions take on writers as powerful as Christina Stead, William Burroughs and Patrick White. These poems are disturbing and uplifting to read, and the accuracy of tone and the way they upturn the original texts works beautifully. This book is stark and lyrical, distilled like a spirit gift to the careful reader." — Robert Adamson
“Seminara cleverly pulls the shades up on linguistic imagery and domestic disconformity within the folds of Suburban Fantasy — an abode of poetic reality in which we have all dwelt.” — Yvette Henry Holt
What Seminara does so well is write of dark and troubling events with strength, empathy, and attention to craft. The impressive achievement of her debut collection Engraft is incomparable to the voice, control and sheer beauty found in the lines of Suburban Fantasy. An extremely revealing, resonant and startling collection of poems by one of the finest writers at work today.” — Robbie Coburn
“A startlingly frank take on modern femininity, Michele Seminara’s Suburban Fantasy combines finely crafted narratives with lyrical artistry and sure-footed eloquence. This is raw, fiery, firebrand feminist writing that manages to artfully co-exist with giddying intimacy and poignant soul-bearing. Do not be lulled by the songful beauty of its language — this book rejoices in baring sharp teeth that shimmer amidst its bright, widely (at times wildly) alert consciousness. Threaded throughout with an intoxicating Dickinsonian pull towards the dark side, Suburban Fantasy nevertheless proves to be wistful, wishful and uplifting.” — Anne Casey
"This is fantasy from the word's deep etymological past-fantasy as illusory appearance, fantasy as mask or disguise, the veneer of respectability that conceals disturbances beneath." -- Canberra Times, December 2021