A trillion tiny awakenings
Candy Royalle
Listen to this non-prophet,
This high priestess of poetry:
No more hatred, just love,
We are pure love, we are pure love.
And this gathering, every gathering
Is sacred. Listen.
Candy Royalle was a spoken word poet par excellence, presenting her words and ideas with dynamism and passion. In a short 37 years of life she made a profound impact on readers and audiences. Her death unleashed sorrow and love. Candy’s anticipation of the release of this book makes all of us regretful that it didn’t come earlier so that she could enjoy her arrival into a traditional publishing form which was sure to increase her following.
A trillion tiny awakenings is uncompromisingly direct in its language and set of interests about the world and the politics that impact every aspect of our lives. These poems also carry love. Candy Royalle invokes tenderness and care in this startling new book.
Praise for A trillion tiny awakenings
Here are poems of passion, of the body, of skin, flesh and love, sacred and profane. Of houses, the ocean, loss and loneliness. There is the long lamentation Ancestral Homage, a celebration of her Palestinian heritage that sings off the page as sonorously as Candy used to recite it. The poet revels in her queer community, the sensual and natural worlds; most confrontingly she faces death. Love in all its bitterness, destruction, exultation and wonder shines through.
Book details
FORMAT: Paperback
EXTENT: 120 pages.
SIZE: 198 (h) x 129 (w) mm
ISBN: 9781760800086
RIGHTS: World rights.
CATEGORY: Candy Royalle, Poetry,