Scavenging the Suburbs: Auditing Perth for 1 million infill dwellings
Julian Bolleter
The sprawling city of Perth has one of the lowest population densities in the world and is arguably poorly adapted to the emerging environmental and societal challenges of the twenty-first century. This book tackles this issue on two fronts. First, it audits Perth's suburban core for infill development opportunities that may have been overlooked in current planning. The result is the identification of sites that could potentially yield almost a million infill dwellings. Second, it investigates spatial trade-offs individuals and communities can make in a bid to curtail further outer suburban growth.
This book argues the result could be a city which is simultaneously denser, more liveable and supports greater biodiversity.
Book details
FORMAT: Paperback
EXTENT: 173 pages
SIZE: 128mm x 153mm
ISBN: 9781742589992
RIGHTS: World rights
CATEGORY: Art, Photography and Design, General Non-fiction, Julian Bolleter, Urban Planning & Architecture,