Shey Marque

Shey Marque was born in Perth WA. A former haematology and research scientist, she has a Master of Arts in creative writing and was Coordinator of The Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers’ Centre where she currently coordinates the Hospital Poets Program. Her award-winning poetry has appeared in journals including Cordite Poetry Review, Meanjin, Overland, Southerly, Westerly, and Award Winning Australian Writing. Shey was the inaugural recipient of the Queensland Poetry Festival’s Emerging Older Poet Mentorship Award in 2018. Her chapbook Aporiac was published in 2016 with Finishing Line Press (USA). Keeper of the Ritual, shortlisted in the 2017 Noel Rowe Poetry Award for an unpublished manuscript, is her first full collection. Her latest book is The Hum Hearers which was shortlisted for the 2023 Dorothy Hewett Award.