Banksia woodlands: A restoration guide for the Swan Coastal Plain

Banksia woodlands: A restoration guide for the Swan Coastal Plain

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Authors: Jason C. Stevens, Deanna P. Rokich, Vernon J. Newton, Russell L. Barrett and Kingsley W. Dixon

Banksia woodlands represent an important part of the rich fabric of Southwest Australia’s biodiversity. Their close proximity to the sprawling Perth Metropolitan Region has seen losses of 60% of woodland lost in areas with many of the remnants under increasing threats from processes associated with fragmentation. Integrating future planning with restoration knowledge from scientists and management practitioners is critical if we are to successfully manage and conserve these nationally important woodlands.

Banksia woodlands - A restoration guide for the Swan Coastal Plain provides the platform to achieve this biodiversity protection, enhancement and restoration. The book synthesises more than 20 years knowledge derived from research and development conducted by Kings Park and Botanic Garden, The University of Western Australia in collaboration with Hanson Construction Materials (formerly Rocla Quarry Products) and highlights how long-term industry-scientific partnerships driven by mutual visions can deliver leading restoration solutions. The book reflects the ethos of providing a truly integrated restoration scientific approach integrating concepts from restoration target definition, genetic guidelines, seed-plant-soil interactions, and their practical application.

With other significant contributions from experts across government, academia and industry this book provides the first comprehensive overview for practitioners, researchers and policy makers to assist Banksia woodland restoration activities and decisions, and a platform from which to build future strategies if these iconic systems are to remain an important part of the WA system.



Won - 2017 Golden Gecko Award for Environmental Excellence 


Book details

FORMAT: Paperback
EXTENT: 378 pages
ISBN: 9781742589077
CATEGORY: Australian StudiesGeneral Non-fictionNatural History,