Cassy Polimeni

Cassy Polimeni is a freelance editor and the author of The Garden at the End of the World (picture book, UQP) and Ella and the Frogs (junior fiction series, UWAP). Her past jobs include editor of Destinations Australia magazine, TV book reviewer and airport chauffeur. She won Just Write for Kids Pitch It! Competition in 2020, and in 2022 was awarded an Australian Society of Authors/Copyright Australia Mentorship to develop a middle grade novel. Cassy has presented story times and workshops at kindergartens, libraries and festivals. She volunteers with the Author Pen Pals program, and is a Literacy Ambassador for education charity Ardoch. Cassy lives on Bunorong country and is represented by Danielle Binks of Jacinta di Mase Management. 


Find out more about Ella and the Frogs

Check out Cassy's website here:

Follow Cassy on Instagram: @cassy_polimeni