Parenting is Forever: A paediatrician's tips for parents, teachers and carers
by Elizabeth Green
‘Believe and trust in your children. But most of all, be kind.’
Parents ask, ‘Why are children so anxious?’, ‘Has my child got autism?’, ‘How do I calm a screaming baby, yelling child or angry teenager?’ and ‘What can I do when my child wants to die?’
Anxiety, autism, ADHD and learning problems make school hard. Depression, self-harm, cyberbullying and eating disorders are part of our complex lives. Stress, busyness and a digital world changes parenting.
Parenting is Forever reflects the ongoing conversations of a paediatrician with those who care for children. It is influenced by her experience as a parent and from helping more than 30,000 families over twenty-five years.
Dr Elizabeth Green shares her practical tips for navigating the developmental stages of childhood. From before birth, through early childhood and adolescence to adulthood. Parenting is not a competition. It’s okay to fail and try again. That’s what makes us better parents.
Book details
PUBLICATION DATE: November 2017.
FORMAT: Paperback
EXTENT: 430 pages
SIZE: 234 (h) x 153 (w) mm
ISBN: 9781742589565
RIGHTS: World rights.
CATEGORY: Elizabeth Green, General Non-fiction, Health and Medicine,